Understanding Fetal Growth Restriction

By on July 30, 2024

In the recent episode of the Healthful Woman podcast, “Fetal Growth Restriction,” Dr. Simi Gupta joined Dr. Fox to discuss fetal growth restriction (FGR). FGR refers to babies under the 10th percentile in size for their gestational age. Dr. Gupta, who has extensively researched this condition, shares valuable insights into its implications and management.

What is Fetal Growth Restriction?

Fetal growth restriction is a term used to describe a fetus smaller than expected for the number of weeks of pregnancy. Dr. Gupta states, “We look at a couple of different things because most likely people whose babies are measuring under the tenth percentile, this is just their normal, and there is nothing to worry about.” Dr. Gupta emphasizes that while these babies are often just genetically smaller or coincidentally below average in size, doctors must monitor certain factors to ensure the baby’s health. Doctors at Carnegie Imaging for Women perform screenings to monitor your baby.

Monitoring Fetal Health

Dr. Gupta and Dr. Fox discuss the importance of checking various signs when a baby is diagnosed with fetal growth restriction. They explain that one of the critical factors is the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. Adequate fluid levels generally indicate good hydration and nutrition, whereas low fluid levels can indicate nutritional deficiencies. Additionally, the health of the placenta and the quality of blood flow are crucial indicators that doctors examine to ensure the baby is receiving sufficient oxygen and nutrients. Fetal movement is another vital sign; normal activity usually means the baby is getting enough oxygen.

The Importance of Your Pregnancy Stage

The stage of pregnancy plays a significant role in determining whether a small size is a concern. Dr. Gupta notes that while full-term babies can vary widely in size, growth restriction detected early in pregnancy might be more worrisome. Early-onset FGR can sometimes indicate underlying health issues that must be addressed promptly.

Potential Misconceptions and Accuracy of Measurements

Dr. Fox points out that sometimes a baby might appear smaller due to an incorrect due date. Early ultrasounds are crucial for accurate dating but are not always definitive. Additionally, measuring fetal size is not always precise, adding another layer of complexity to diagnosing FGR.

Timing and Delivery Decisions

The timing of delivery for babies with FGR is a critical consideration. Dr. Gupta stresses that the goal is to allow the baby to reach as close to full term as possible. Delivering a baby too early can lead to unnecessary complications, and the decision to induce labor or perform a C-section should be made with careful consideration of all health indicators.

The Importance of Assessments

While most cases of FGR do not indicate serious health issues, healthcare providers must be vigilant and thorough in their assessments to ensure the best outcomes for both mother and baby.

Contact Us

For more specialized imaging and diagnostics, you can visit Carnegie Imaging for Women in New York. To schedule an appointment or for more information, contact us today through our online contact form.

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