Marijuana/Cannabis Use in Pregnancy – with Dr. Torri Metz

By on September 24, 2024

In a recent episode of the Healthful Woman podcast, Dr. Nathan Fox sat down with Dr. Torri Metz, a specialist in maternal-fetal medicine, to discuss cannabis use during pregnancy. Together, they explored the latest research and insights on the potential risks of cannabis for both expectant mothers and their babies. This blog will highlight key points discussed in the episode, including the challenges of conducting research on this subject and the information expectant mothers need to make informed decisions.

The Risks of Cannabis Use During Pregnancy

Research has shown that cannabis use during pregnancy is linked to several concerning outcomes. The most consistent finding is reduced fetal growth, which may indicate impaired placental function. Additionally, studies suggest an increased likelihood of NICU admissions and a higher risk of stillbirth. Dr Metz states, “There’s been a lot of work, several large studies looking at neurodevelopment and whether cannabis has an effect on neurodevelopment. Those studies have shown that, yes, they do. It does look like it does.” While research on long-term neurodevelopmental effects is still developing, there are growing concerns about how exposure to cannabis in utero might affect children later in life.

The Challenges of Researching Cannabis in Pregnancy

Many pregnant individuals may hesitate to disclose their cannabis consumption, making it difficult to collect reliable data. Current research efforts often rely on biological sampling to overcome these barriers, allowing researchers to study cannabis use anonymously and without legal ramifications for participants. This approach helps provide more accurate information on how cannabis impacts pregnancy outcomes.

Cannabis Use for Symptom Relief

Many expectant mothers turn to cannabis to manage symptoms such as nausea, anxiety, or chronic pain. While it may seem helpful, other treatments have been more extensively studied for safety and effectiveness in pregnancy. Medications for nausea, such as Diclegis or Zofran, as well as mental health treatments for anxiety and depression, are typically recommended as safer alternatives. Understanding the potential risks of cannabis use during pregnancy can help individuals make more informed choices.

Learn More

This episode of the Healthful Woman podcast provides a thorough exploration of the complexities surrounding cannabis use in pregnancy. While the research continues to evolve, the potential risks, such as reduced fetal growth, NICU admissions, and neurodevelopmental concerns, should be considered by expectant mothers. For those who rely on cannabis to manage symptoms, exploring alternative treatments may be the safest course of action. Listen to the full podcast episode or contact Maternal Fetal Medicine Associates in New York through our online contact form to learn more about the latest research and recommendations.

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