By on June 18, 2019

At Carnegie Imaging, there are several kinds of ultrasounds that we perform during pregnancy. Some of these include:

Nuchal Translucency (or NT)

The nuchal translucency is performed between 11 and 13 weeks. Typically, for this exam, we would recommend you come in with a full bladder. A full bladder is necessary because it allows the ultrasound to be clear and we can see that baby much better. During the nuchal translucency ultrasound, we will be measuring the back of the baby’s neck, as well as looking for something called the nasal bone. This ultrasound, in combination with some blood, will give you a risk related to Down syndrome.

Initial Anatomy Scan

Another type of appointment that we have is the initial anatomy scan. The initial anatomy scan is performed between 16 and 18 weeks. In this ultrasound, not only are we going to check the size and weight of the baby, but we’re also going to start looking for different structures of the baby to make sure that the baby’s developing the way that it should.

Detailed Anatomical Survey

The most important kind of ultrasound that we perform during the pregnancy is called the detailed anatomical survey. That ultrasound is performed between 20 and 22 weeks. This exam can take an average of 45 minutes to an hour, all depending on the position of the baby and how easy it is to obtain the necessary images. In this ultrasound, we’re going to assess the baby from head to toe, from making sure that there are five fingers and five toes, to making sure the heart and other organs of the baby are developing appropriately.

Growth Scan

Another ultrasound that we do is the growth scan. This scan can be done anytime during the pregnancy when the size of the baby needs to be determined. During a growth scan, we’re going to measure the head, abdomen and thigh bone and we’re going to be able to give you an estimated weight.

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