Best Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy

By on November 4, 2021

Pregnancy Sleeping Positions
We get it, being pregnant is hardly a comfortable experience, day or night. One minute your feet hurt, the next your back, and the cycle continues. What’s worst is that, as exhausting as each day is, it can be hard to nearly impossible to get a good night’s sleep because there’s just no way to get comfortable in bed. Fortunately, we have a few tips to help keep both mother and child happy and healthy for as comfortable a night as possible.

Get Good Support

The first thing you should do to help get a more comfortable sleeping arrangement is to pack pillows around your body to support your joints and back to help ensure you won’t wake up with spasms or soreness. While you can work with the pillows you have, there are also many designs of pregnancy pillows you can find online. Check reviews to see which options have satisfied the most expecting mothers, especially if you’re having a twin or triplet birth.

Exercise and Stretch

The key to feeling tired and getting good sleep is being active throughout the day. Depending on how far along you are and what your activity level was prior to being pregnant, this can be as little as a half-hour walk at some point in the day. In a low-risk pregnancy, exercise is encouraged. Before exercising and at various times throughout the day, it’s helpful to stretch your legs and back to prevent cramps both while sleeping and being awake. Your obstetrician can recommend safe and effective stretches, or you may know your own based on your unique experience with the pregnancy.

Create a Sleep Haven

Both for pregnant and non-pregnant people, resting well sometimes means changing up the furniture or habits surrounding the bedroom. Common tactics include getting blackout curtains to make the bedroom feel darker longer, considering white noise machines or sleep earbuds, taking melatonin supplements, and more. It’s also important to practice good sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene is the practice of going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time, as well as making sure that your bedroom is quiet, dark, relaxing, and at a comfortable temperature. This includes limiting electronic devices such as TVs, computers, and smartphones from the bedroom.

Interrupted Sleep

A common complaint as pregnancy progresses is interrupted sleep. Women typically find they can fall asleep quickly, but they wake after several hours. As your body grows, frequent changes in position are needed and this often disrupts sleep. Many times the healthiest approach is to not fight this new sleep pattern and to get up and complete easy tasks and then fall back to sleep, rather than to be frustrated. Newborns require frequent attention throughout the night and trying to embrace this new schedule is less frustrating than the alternative.

Reduce Heartburn

If heartburn is interrupting your sleep, there are several helpful hints. First, try to limit the volume of liquids that are consumed in the 3-4 hours before bed; please continue to remain hydrated, but do this earlier in the day. Second, try sleeping with your head slightly elevated; this can be done by putting blocks or bricks under your headboard to elevate the bed itself.

Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists in New York City

Whether you’re in your first or third trimester, the obstetricians at Maternal Fetal Medicine Associates are here to help you with all of your pregnancy care needs. From ultrasound services to advice on how to sleep comfortably, we offer comprehensive care to mothers throughout New York City. Call or contact us online today to schedule your in-person or virtual appointment with a maternal fetal medicine specialist.

Maternal Fetal Medicine blogs are intended for educational purposes only and do not replace certified professional care. Medical conditions vary and change frequently. Please ask your doctor any questions you may have regarding your condition to receive a proper diagnosis or risk analysis. Thank you!
