By on December 20, 2016

pregnancy symptoms

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

The earliest signs of pregnancy will vary for most women. There are some women who don’t notice pregnancy symptoms of their first trimester, but for some, they realize they are pregnant before missing their first period. If you are enthusiastically waiting, here are some common early symptoms of pregnancy.

Tender Breasts

You may notice that your breasts are extra tender or sensitive as early as two weeks after becoming pregnant. In the early stages of pregnancy, your body increases estrogen and progesterone productions and your breast glands begin to grow, making them feel heavier or even sore.

Tired or Fatigued

You’re pregnant, and your body is working extra hard to support the pregnancy, which may contribute to an increase in fatigue. Those extra hormones your body is producing? Extra progesterone may cause your body temperature to rise and contribute to your lack of energy. Additionally, your heart will start beating faster since it is now delivering a supply of oxygen to the uterus.

If you begin feeling fatigued, it is normal. Rest when you get the chance!

Implantation Bleeding

After conception, the fertilized egg will push into the lining of the uterus, ‘implanting’ itself, which may lead to light vaginal bleeding or spotting. In most cases, this is not a concern.

Nausea and Changes in Appetite

Nausea or changes in appetite may shortly after conception. The progesterone hormone causes a significant slowdown, including your digestive process. You may experience some indigestion or constipation. Nausea is also related to a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which can be detected in your urine or blood before your missed period.

Cramps and Bloating

Most women confuse these signs of early pregnancy for PMS symptoms, which is understandable. However, the growth of the uterus and hormonal changes may lead to cramps, bloating and even backache.

Dizziness and Fainting

Progesterone may cause lightheadedness, and lower your blood pressure. It also takes longer for the blood to make its way to the uterus back to the brain, so stand up slowly if you are feeling dizzy.

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